Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Eliza Blog

Eliza was a very frustrating program to use. It did pass the Turing test because Eliza was a form of artificial intelligence but it was a very poor form of AI. This program was so basic and barely came up with original ideas. Instead, Eliza just repeated whatever was imputed by myself.  To improve the AI, Eliza needs to be able to carry on a conversation better by having more responses programmed into her and having her be able to recognize more words to be able to respond better.

Monday, October 26, 2015


We played 20 questions and attempted to pick obscure people in order to beat the artificial intelligence. We won every time that we played because the computer could never guess the person place or thing that we were in under 20 questions. It was surprising that the computer could never beat us because I thought that the computer would have been better than us. It was getting close with some of the questions but could never guess correctly before hitting 20 questions. It was a fun experience in learning the ways of artificial intelligence. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Observation Blog

I found that many people used the Native American software to complete their free design. I also used this software so I found that to be interesting. There were many cool colors used and I feel like that related to mine because I also used many colors. There was a cool house and a cool insignia sign that I saw. I thought these were very creative ideas.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Native America Rug Weaver

Going back and doing the rug design again was much easier than the first time. The graph really spoke to me and I was able to feel my way around doing the patter. The colors were vivid and great to work with and I can't thank them enough

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Native American Weave Work

The challenges were creating the dog image. Using the different shapes and taking my time were my biggest strategies used during this creation. It was challenging to envision the dots on where you wanted them to go. Overall, it was a fun challenge and the result came out OK.

Native American Bead Loom